A slice of life tale with a FANTASTIC twist!
(June 2024)
If you’ve never done online dating, DON’T. It’s honestly the worst. I can’t BEGIN to count the scammers, catfish, and crazy people I have met on dating apps. I remember this one girl told me on a first date that she expected me to get married within four months and have children within two years. The clock was ticking, in her words. She got a second date, if that gives you any indication of how low the bar is here. So imagine my surprise when I met Sarah.
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The blaring sirens were the first thing to enter Alan’s conscious mind. Starting first as a low, muted whine, the sound grew until it became a choir of squealing pigs, unable to end their crescendo. He opened his eyes to the familiar cockpit of the PC-12 he’d been flying for the last four years. His vision blurred as he tried to make out shapes in the glare of the warning lights. After several seconds, he finally became aware of himself, his arms dangling high above his head, and the seatbelt taught across his chest like an anaconda squeezing as he breathed. He tried the buckle, but it was jammed, its casing caved in from the impact. He reached for the emergency pack behind the empty co-pilot seat next to him. As his fingers brushed the hard canvas, an echo of a memory washed over him. Read More!
A dark tale written for a creative writing class
(May 2023)