

Dang I'm REALLY consistent with this. Its 100% by accident. I uploaded a bunch of new stuff! including my first poem. its a funny one. I have a bunch of darker ones written but I felt like humor was the right foot to start on. Job hunt is still happening unfortunately. But it is what it is. I have no idea if the patreon worked. I legit haven't touched it since my last update. whoops. see? I told you to ignore it. Took my own advice i guess. Started writing more consistently too! Aiming for 500 words a day. So maybe you'll see some more short stories from me in the near future. Thats all the updates for now though. Next one will be much bigger. either I will have a job, or I'll be heading back to Mom's place!  See ya then!


HAPPY NEW YEAR! I Can't believe Im semi-consistently accidentally sticking to a monthly update blog here. WELL. I am officially a florida resident! Got a lease, my own room etc. Only thing I don't have is a job, but were working on it. In the MEAN time, I made a patreon! WHOOP WHOOP! ignore the previous sentence, don't feel obligated to use it. Honestly the celebration here is that I TRIED to make one months ago, and Patreon BLOCKED ME because I wouldn't send them a picture of my ID and SSN. SOOO to finally have that up and running (as of this post anyway, who knows if they'll take it down again) feels really good! I also might start selling prints of my work? Genuinely Considering this because I need wall art for my new place and who's better to hang than my own? Is that self centered? Nooooo its just.... proud. right? Yeah lets go with that. See yall in a month!


Happy Holidays yall! Update on the move, Smeagol is here! Hes adjusting well, but the poor thing is going to have to readjust all over again because we are changing apartments within the complex to have more room 😅 The site got some minor tweaks, and I added some photography! I also started using nightshade to prevent all my art from being scraped for AI. No idea if it'll actually help or not, but it makes me feel better about posting all my stuff. Work search is still going. I just passed my 200th application sent 😑 hopefully something will bite soon. Also possible T-shirts coming soon? Ill put a link here if that comes to fruition, but it wont be for at least a month still. Thats all for this one, Have a Happy new year, and heres a picture of Smeagol sleeping WAY too deep in the new apartment!


Oof. Blog post 2, three months later . Whoops! I knew there would be gaps but damn lol anyway. Just made the move to Miami! Its going well. Started the job hunt, looking for something remote in project management or production coordination, but I'm also working on certs that will let me get into UI/UX hopefully! Probably won't add proffessional projects like that to this site though. I HAVE been working on things for this site. I added the two images below. One is a placeholder for art assets I want to create, the other is a page placeholder so I can publish this site while im still working on it. "Oooooh how unprofessional" yeah yeah shush, rude inner monologue guy. This site would never go live without those, and our overseas buddy needs entertainment! (Hi dude!) I also did an editing pass on "My Date In Central Park" so that's now on the site, because you only need a single editing pass right?  Updates from last post, I finished the basement and patio in my Mom's house! I'll take pictures and add those to the 3D Art section, because damnit im proud of them, and who says construction isn't  an art? Laws? Regulations? OSHA? psh. not in my house, website, thingy. 


My first blog post! If you're reading this, you've either made it here early, or you've scrolled to the bottom. Congrats! Right now I have a bunch of projects in my head. First is finishing my mother's house though. I Still have a lot of work to do both on the basement and the patio. beyond that, finding a job is still a priority, and I also have a haunted house tattoo I'm trying to finish designing, a remix of Big Dawgs, a short story about a date in NYC, and my novel which may or may not ever be finished. OH. And this website is still unfinished and also not published. I've also been having ideas swirl in my head for a game dev project. Because this list wasn't long enough. 

In the future, I hope to treat this blog both as a place for me to just write down my thoughts, but also as a space to give updates on all these projects, akin to a progress report with like pictures and examples and stuff. We'll see if that happens.